1. Which food has the most selenium?
- whole wheat flour [1 cup]
- cousous [1 cup]
- halibut [1/2 filet]
- brazil nuts [1 ounce]
2. Which food has the most magnesium?
- spinach [1 cup]
- halibut [1/2 filet]
- black beans [1 cup]
- buckwheat flour [1 cup]
Which has the most Vitamin C?
- Sweet red pepper [1 cup]
- papaya [1 whole]
- strawberries [1 cup]
- orange [1 whole]
4. Which food has the most calcium?
- nonfat yogurt, plain [8 oz]
- skim milk [1 cup]
- ricotta cheese [1 cup]
- spinach [1 cup]
5. Which food has the most sodium?
- miso soup [1 cup]
- salt [1tsp]
- sauerkraut [1 cup]
- McDonalds quarter pounder
6. Which food has the most fiber?
- barley [1 cup]
- whole wheat flour [1 cup]
- broccoli [1cup]
- blueberries [1cup]
7. Which food has the most potassium?
- potato [medium]
- banana [1 large]
- raisin [1 cup]
- cucumber [1 large]
8.Which food has the most iron?
- black beans [cup]
- white mushrooms [1 cup]
- clams [3 oz]
- prune juice [1 cup]
Answers: For more detail email me @ lauriebuob@gmail.com
1. brazil nuts. Selenium assists the activity of enzymes in the body.
2. Buckwheat flour. Magnesium assists with muscle and nerve function.
3. Red peppers Vitamin C is an antioxidant that fights free radicals and damage to cells. It also helps your body absorb iron.
4. Ricotta. Calcium necessary for building bones, also needed for nerve and muscle function, blood clotting ad blood pressure
5. Miso soup; Salt is related to high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. It is also an important electrolyte that should be replaced after exercise greater than 1 hour.
6.Barley. Fiber reduces the rise of heart disease, decreases cholesterol and helps regulate bowl movements.
7. Raisins. Potassium is needed for heart contraction, it is an electrolyte that assists in preventing muscle cramps, and can help counteract salt affect on Blood pressure
8. Clams. Myoglobin carries the iron to our muscles. If not enough iron is consumed and/or absorbed, you may feel fatigue during exercise, which will cause you more time to recover post exercise