Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Piriformis syndrome

Piriformis Syndrome is a common injury that we treat at Austin Family and Sports Chiropractic. It is defined as Sciatic neuritis due to piriformis contracture or spasm leading to mechanical and/or chemical irritation to the nociceptors resulting in pain and numbness in the distribution of the sciatic nerve.


  1. Predisposing factors
  2. 1. Anomalous sciatic nerve
  3. 2. Tight External rotators

3. Neurologic injury to L5 and S1


  1. Trauma to the gluteals --> fibrosis & adhesions

  2. Prolonged sitting [wallet]

Neurological insult to L5-S1

  1. Radiculitis --> atrophy of the piriformis

  2. Facet syndrome --> reflex spasm of the piriformis

Overuse and/or biomechanical fault

  1. Fatigue or strain of piriformis muscle

  2. Leg length asymmetry

Signs and Symptoms:

What you may observe

  1. Foot flare, esp unilaterally on the involved side[due to piriformis tightness]
  2. Overpronation
  3. Palpation
  4. Palpation of Piriformis recreates symptoms
  5. May have low back pain

Range of Motion

  1. Decreased active & passive internal rotation of hip which may reproduce symptoms

  2. Decreased active & passive adduction - may reproduce symptoms

  3. Tight hamstrings

  4. Weak lateral hip rotators

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Laurie at Austin Family and Sports Chriopractic, call us today at 512-258-4425. Visit our website at

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