Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Special Deal from Cryotherapy TODAY!

At Austin Family & Sports Chiropractic, our goal is to keep our patients active - and this means sharing fitness tips or new forms of therapy whenever possible! We recently learned about Cryo Studios and wanted to pass along more information about their unique method and treatment plans below. You can also access their Groupon Deal TODAY only!

Whole Body Cryotherapy is the exposure of a person’s skin to temperatures of -150 to -170 degrees Celsius (-238 to -274 degrees Fahrenheit) for a short time (3 minutes or less). At this extreme temperature, the body activates several mechanisms that have significant long-term medical and cosmetic benefits:

The outer skin is briefly ‘frozen’, activating increased production of collagen in deeper layers of the skin. The skin regains elasticity and becomes smoother and even-toned, significantly improving conditions such as cellulite and skin aging.

Skin vessels and capillaries undergo severe vasoconstriction (to keep the core temperature from dropping), followed by vasodilation after the procedure. Toxins and other stored deposits are flushed out of the layers of the skin and blood perfusion is improved after several treatments.

The anti-inflammatory properties of cryotherapy are also used to treat chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis and dermatitis.

The extreme cold exposure causes the body to turn up its metabolic rate in order to produce heat. This effect lasts for 5-8 hours after the procedure, causing the body to ‘burn’ 500-800 Kcal over the hours following the procedure. After several procedures, the increase in metabolic rate tends to last longer between treatments. Another ‘survival reaction’ to the extreme temperatures is the release of endorphins (hormones) that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, and improve mood disorders. Cryotherapy has been studied for the successful treatment of medication resistant depression disorders. Patients also tend to experience a noticeable increase in libido, leading to the use of crytherapy for ED and other sexual disorders.

The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of cryotherapy can drastically improve joint disorders such as rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. Athletes use whole body cryotherapy to recover from injuries and soreness and improve their performance.

Immune System:
Cryotherapy can improve the function of the immune system and has been known to decrease stress levels.

Learn more about CryoStudio of Austin at www.cryostudioofaustin.com

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