Monday, October 5, 2009

Knee pain?

It may not be your knee fault. The knees are merely the compensation to the problem which is may be above or below the knee. Kinetic chain dysfunction in the pelvis or hips or in the feet or ankles can put the knee in a mechanical disadvantage. Over time this disadvantage can cause knee pain.

One common injury is IT band syndrome.

Symptoms: Pain at the outside of knee


- Biomechanical imbalances in lumbopelvic hip complex

- Excessive pronation of the foot

- Weakness in the Gluteus

This causes the knee to adduct resulting in overactivity of the TFL, shorthead of bicep femoris, and adductors, which causes a shortening of IT band which puts extra strain on the attachment site of the lateral knee.

Treatment choices

- TP kit for Hip and low back

- Foam roller

More stubborn cases may need

- Active release technique and or Graston technique

- Chiropractic adjustments

- Corrective exercise program to resolve the biomechanic deficiency to prevent the problem from reoccuring.

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